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About us

What we do

We're the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity.


The aims we've set out in our Bold Ambitions strategy are to:


  • contribute to the end of HIV transmissions and improve sexual health


  • support people living with and affected by HIV and poor sexual health


  • ensure that the voices of people affected by HIV are heard.


We do this by supporting people living with HIV and ensure their voices are heard, providing testing services for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and helping the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.


As well as provide services, we campaign on issues from relationships and sex education in schools to the proper funding of HIV services.


We also run community projects such as Positive Voices, which supports people living with HIV to tell their own stories, and Work Positive, which helps people living with HIV into employment. And on behalf of Public Health England, we lead It Starts With Me, the national HIV prevention programme.




Our mission
  • To end the transmission of HIV in the UK.


  • To empower and support people living with HIV to lead healthy lives.


  • To amplify the voices of those affected by HIV across public and political arenas to eradicate stigma and discrimination.


  • To enable people to enjoy good sexual health.




Our vision

A world where people with HIV live healthy lives free from prejudice and discrimination, and good sexual health is a right and reality for all.




Our values

Our values underpin how we work as an organisation and as individuals within it.


Ambitious: We believe individuals, and communities, are a force for positive change. We drive ourselves, and others, to make things happen.


Honest: We communicate clearly, taking responsibility for both successes and challenges. We are transparent and accountable to our communities, donors and funders.


Different: We are radical professionals, proud of our diversity and united by a common cause. We support, respect and value each other and work without prejudice.


Independent: We are an independent charity, rooted in the communities we serve. We use our voice to challenge and inspire change in health services, public policy and people’s attitudes.




Annual report and financial statements

The trustees’ report and financial statements are published each year. They give an overview of the charity’s financial performance and position as well as outlining the charity's key achievements and activities in the year.


The charity's accounts are prepared in line with accounting standards and are subject to a full audit.




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