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Our Strategy

Strategic Plan 2019 - 2020

Our work in 2019-2020 will continue to focus on addressing extreme poverty and hunger.

We are committed to working collaboratively towards achieving the ambition of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. We support in particular the pledges to end hunger and extreme poverty and believe that the knowledge, resources and skills exist to achieve these goals within the timeframe. However, we are acutely aware that the world is "off track" to meet these goals and they will only be achieved with significant political will, leadership and investment.

Over the next two years we will continue to work hard to see the gains that have been made over the past decade in reducing hunger and poverty extended to the poorest, most isolated communities. We will strive to ensure that commitments made under the Sustainable Development Goals are implemented and that as few of the poorest as possible are left behind.

Concern (UK) has five strategic goals that will guide and shape our work in the next two years and these are set out below.

The implementation of this strategic plan will be managed through:

  • Our established annual operational planning and budgeting cycle;

  • Objective setting and performance appraisal process for all staff; and

  • We will develop metrics against which to monitor and evaluate the delivery of the plan

Strategic goals

Greater impact on long-term poverty and humanitarian response

We seek to reduce poverty in developing countries, with a particular focus on fragile states. In more stable countries/contexts, we will play an enabling and facilitating role, providing technical support, developing innovative approaches and partnerships, and helping to bring proven interventions to scale. In more fragile contexts, our added-value is the quality of our targeting and programmes, and our ability to use evidence to drive change among policy makers. Overall, we will significantly scale up Climate Smart Agriculture interventions, implement leading-edge food and nutrition programmes, move more people into productive employment, and explore how to use social protection mechanisms for the optimum benefit of extremely poor people.

We will also address the acute needs of as many disaster-affected people as possible, keeping the dignity of each person at the centre of our work. We will strengthen our engagement in country- level coordination systems and link these upwards through our representation in global mechanisms.

Influence the policy and practice of UK-based policy makers, donors and key international development and humanitarian actors

We will leverage our reputation for balanced, intelligent and timely information to become an authoritative thought leader on development and humanitarian issues. Hunger will remain a core focus of our advocacy work. We will build on our existing reputation in the area of food and nutrition security, linking this to our work building the resilience of extremely poor communities, helping them to stand on their own feet in the long term. We will amplify our voice on humanitarian issues and use our experience, presence on the ground and influence to bring about positive change.

Grow the engagement, loyalty and value of our supporters and funders, by understanding their motivations and exceeding their expectations

Concern’s work would be impossible without  the incredible generosity of our supporters and the investment of our funders. Throughout the lifespan of this strategy we will continue to improve our communications to new and current supporters and funders, seek to better understand their expectations, show the tangible impact of their support and demonstrate the difference their money is making to the lives of some of the world’s poorest people. In this way we will grow the number of donors and funders who are motivated to support the life-changing work of Concern.

Raise awareness, build brand and increase visibility

We seek to build the reputation of Concern (UK) as an agency specialising in tackling hunger and undernutrition and delivering support to those affected by humanitarian crises. Our creative communications will inspire and motivate our audiences and mobilise widespread support for our work, as well as development issues in general. Over the next two years, we will develop our digital and social media expertise and will use all media channels and platforms available to us to communicate the critical importance of addressing extreme poverty and hunger, and the role that Concern has to play in that task.

Resource and build an organisation capable of delivering the UK strategy

We cannot deliver our strategy without the right people, those who will enable us to achieve excellence and deliver life-changing work. We will continue to develop leaders with specific skill sets, recruit experienced staff that are prepared to take risks and try new approaches, and in all aspects of our work we will value and encourage innovation. We will review Resource and build an organisation capable of delivering the UK strategy our internal processes and systems to ensure that we continue to deliver programmes of the highest standard.

Read the full Strategy for 2019-20 here.

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