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Equality & diversity
Our approach
The Council is committed to embedding our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion in everything we do. This means our plans and policies, the way we design and deliver services, how we employ and develop staff and most importantly in how we work with our residents is all achieved in a fair and inclusive way that addresses inequalities and reflects the diversity of our borough.
This strategy sets out the Council’s Equality Objectives for 2021 – 2023. We have developed these using data and information about the diversity of the place as well as the views of residents and partners.
We aim to meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the specific requirements placed on the Council through the Public Sector Equality Duty. This means that the Council has regard to the need to:
eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010;
advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not;
foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it.
We have a responsibility as a local authority to publish information to demonstrate how we are meeting these duties as an employer and a service provider and whether there is an impact on people with protected characteristics. Creating an inclusive borough also means recognising that the causes of inequality or exclusion are often inter-connected and mutually reinforcing, such as low income, social isolation, living in overcrowded housing and poor health, but also require a strengths-based rather than deficit approach to address.
Our commitment
We seek to respect, value and celebrate differences among the communities we serve and within our own workforce. These differences include the characteristics protected under the Equality Act but are not limited to these. We recognise other important differences in the backgrounds and life circumstances or experiences of residents, service users and our workforce.
We are committed and determined to deliver fair, accessible, and relevant services. We offer a number of universal services and some targeted, that should be available to all who require them based on the most urgent and pressing need, as Kensington and Chelsea residents.
In promoting fairness and advancing equality, we want to build a strong sense of belonging and pride for everyone who lives in, works in or visits the borough. We want people of all backgrounds to feel valued and able to participate fully in, and contribute to, building a strong community within Kensington and Chelsea.
Our objectives
We will improve outcomes for our residents, with a focus on narrowing the gap between different communities and seek to ensure that individuals have equal opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Why is this important? The Council has duties and powers to provide a wide range of services. Many of these services can play a role in delivery equality of opportunity. The challenges we face need action by a range of stakeholders and the Council has a leading role to play in bringing together agencies across the private, public and voluntary sector to tackle inequalities and exclusion across the borough.
We will engage openly with our residents and service users, seeking to capture all points of view to make better informed decisions. Wherever possible, we will use the talents and skills within our communities to co-design and commission better services. We will work widely to involve local people and abide by the Council’s Charter for Public Participation.
Why is this important? Empowering communities, involving them in decision making and listening to the lived experiences of all our residents is a key goal for the Council. We cannot tackle inequalities and exclusion without fostering good relations between people and understanding our diverse communities.
By focusing on prevention and early intervention, particularly in Adults; and Children’s Services, we can ensure that health and social care needs of the whole community are being addressed now and, in the future, for adults, children and families. Our approaches to prevention and early intervention have to be tailored to different communities and draw on the strengths of those communities.
Why is this important? Early intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to those who are at risk of poor outcomes. Effective early intervention works to prevent problems occurring, or to tackle them head-on when they do, before problems get worse. It also helps to foster a whole set of personal strengths and skills that prepare a child for adult life.
We will aim to increase the diversity of our workforce at every level to more closely reflect our residents and service users and bring it closer to our communities. Having a workforce that is diverse in the widest possible sense and in which diversity of background and thought is valued.
Why is this important? To achieve our vision, we must develop a culture that has inclusion and equality at the heart of everything we do. Having a diverse workforce brings a diversity of experiences and perspectives which will help us better meet the needs of residents. This is not just about the Council’s role as an employer but a genuinely inclusive and diverse organisation is the foundation of commissioning and delivering services that meet the needs of our diverse communities and treat citizens with respect.
To help attract, recruit and retain the best people for the job, we will develop an open, collaborative and inclusive working environment where the principles of fairness and wellbeing is promoted, and everyone is encouraged to reach their full potential.
Why is this important? Creating a culture which embeds equality and inclusion across our activities, and adopting the right leadership model, structures and processes will enable us to achieve the high standards we have identified for ourselves. This means showing that we value diversity in how we all speak and behave every day, not just when we are talking about equality. To achieve our vision, we must develop a culture that has inclusion and equality at the heart of everything we do. Inclusive cultures do not just happen, our leaders, managers and all our employees must understand and model inclusive behaviours.