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About us


Kensington and Chelsea is a unique and vibrant place to work, nestled in the heart of London, with a wealth of popular cultural attractions. Although one of the smallest London boroughs, we are one of the most densely populated in the country. 

In January 2019, the Council agreed a Grenfell Recovery Strategy, which set out our plans to support long-term recovery for the bereaved, survivors and the local community.


The Council committed £50m to support the strategy over 5 years (from 2019/20 to 2023/24). In December 2020, the Council’s Leadership Team agreed a Grenfell Recovery Resourcing Framework. Building on the original strategy, this set out our plans to work with bereaved and survivors, residents and community partners to shape the remaining three years of the Grenfell Recovery programme (from April 2021 to March 2024).

We are a major employer in the area with over 2,000 employees and we aim to put local people at the heart of decision making in everything we do.

Since the Grenfell tragedy the Council’s focus is to make a strong, positive difference for the people and communities we serve. Putting residents first is now at the heart of everything we do - the Council, its policies and its leadership has significantly changed.

We publish information regularly about the programme and in May 2023, we published our second annual report on the delivery, reach and impact of the Grenfell Recovery Programme.

Our values


  • We put local people at the heart of decision making in everything we do. 

  • We seek to include and involve: all voices matter. 

  • We provide quality services that are responsive, effective and efficient. 


The following examples are indicators of effective behaviour: 

  • I actively involve and include the communities that I serve in my work. 

  • I shall reflect the views of the communities in my daily work. 

  • I shall improve the service I provide through seeking feedback from others. 


Our residents will feel that: 

  • I have been included 

  • I can see how my views have been taken into account 

  • I can see improvements and developments based on my input 


  • We listen to everyone and value the personal experiences of people in our communities and of each other. 

  • We adopt a fair, and involving approach regardless of any way in which an individual is different to us. 


The following examples are indicators of effective behaviour: 

  • I adapt my approach to take account of all differences and cultures in the community and with colleagues. 

  • I ensure I am equitable and fair by including those who are quiet or may not be able to represent themselves. 

  • I communicate in a way that is respectful, encourages involvement and meets people’s needs. 


Our residents will feel that: 

  • I feel my culture and background are respected. 

  • I have confidence that action is being taken. 

  • I feel I am being treated fairly.


  • We act with openness, honesty, compassion, responsibility and humility. 

  • We let people know what we are doing and communicate why and how decisions have been made. 


The following examples are indicators of effective behaviour: 

  • I demonstrate empathy in my interactions with others. 

  • I am honest and transparent about the decisions I take. 

  • I follow through on the actions I say I will take and take ownership for communicating the outcome. 


Our residents will feel that: 

  • I am told when something is not possible and the reasons why are explained to me. 

  • I feel my perspective is listened to and understood. 

  • I feel my views are valued 


  • We work together and in partnership with everyone that has an impact on the lives of our residents. 

  • We want to understand, learn from each other and continually adapt. 


The following examples are indicators of effective behaviour: 

  • I work with others to provide an effective service for residents, local communities and other departments within the Council. 

  • I seek ways to work with other departments to deliver a seamless service and find opportunities to improve. 

  • I seek out opportunities to learn from my colleagues and build on good practice. 

Our residents will feel that: 

  • I can get my issue resolved without being passed around departments. 

  • I find it easy to access the services that I need. 

  • I feel the Council is open to new ideas. 

Senior management structures

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