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Thank you for your interest in becoming Director of Finance & Resources at Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice.

Dear Applicant,


Thank you for your interest in becoming Director of Finance & Resources at Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice.


As the Chief Executive of our charity I have never felt more proud of our amazing hospice team and the work that we do. The last six months and everything we’ve gone through, individually, as a community and as a charity have been something none of us could have ever planned for or imagined; yet everyone pulled together as a team utilising their skills, commitment and connections to tackle the challenges of the pandemic head on, enabling our wonderful nurses, doctors, social worker, physios, volunteers etc. to adapt their care and support to reach more people than ever in really challenging circumstances.


In the last months, we’ve continued caring for people on our inpatient unit, in care homes, in people’s own homes, in our local prisons and our local hospital; providing the same high-levels of personalised care that we always have. Making sure patients could connect with family in person or virtually and live until they die. We haven’t stood still, we’ve adapted our training for health and care professionals, including delivering training to staff at NHS Nightingale London and we’ve launched a new bereavement hub, working with local partners.


All of that has been possible thanks to the work of our fundraisers and support staff in finance, IT and estates who also had to adapt to new ways of working, with new processes and more frequent and different reporting in finance; a need for IT to enable large numbers of staff to work remotely and the additional challenges placed on our estates team reconfiguring offices, building COVID secure spaces and checking on empty shop units.


As we come through the first phase of this pandemic, we’ve begun to reflect on what we have learnt and look to the future. In such uncertain times, it is difficult to plan too far ahead, but our board, senior managers and staff team are beginning a journey towards recovery and transformation. We have agreed our priorities for the next 12-15 months and are starting the process of planning new services, thinking about how we continue to support our staff and how we continue to work with others to extend our impact. Our board are more engaged than ever, supporting the team where they can, in fundraising and in our transformation work and we are about to appoint a number of new trustees who will bring their ideas and skills to strengthen the team.


This will be the first time we have appointed a Director of Finance and Resources, and the Senior Management Team and I are very much looking forward to this as the next milestone in our organisational development. This is an exciting time to join our Hospice: our finances have stood up well in the pandemic,  we are held in really high regard by partners and local people know and love us and want to support our work. Our recovery and transformation programme is just beginning and we need a great Director of Finance and Resources to help lead this work. Whilst income generation is a challenge right now, our fundraising and retail teams are rising to this and seeing great results and we continue to raise our profile with statutory funders and local partners. We believe that we are in a strong position to lead the local system in ensuring every dying person in Greenwich and Bexley gets the best care, support and quality of life possible. We will maximise our resources to respond to the needs of the community, supporting people with a range of incurable diseases, increasing our reach and providing the greatest impact we can.


If you want to use your talents and skills to help drive our Hospice to deliver lasting impact in Greenwich and Bexley, we’d love to hear from you.



Kate's Signature.jpg

Kate Heaps

Chief Executive


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