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Key responsibilities.

With other Trustees to hold the SBA ‘in trust’ for current and future beneficiaries by:


  • ensuring that the SBA has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these;

  • being responsible for the performance of the SBA and for its culture;

  • ensuring that the SBA complies with all legal and regulatory requirements;

  • acting as guardians of the SBA’s assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application;

  • ensuring that the SBA’s governance is of a high standard.



Duties and tasks to fulfil the key responsibilities.

Ensuring that the SBA has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these:


To work in partnership with other Trustees, the SBA and other senior staff to ensure that:


  • the SBA has a clear vision, mission and strategic plan that have been agreed by the Board, and that there is a common understanding of these by Trustees and staff


  • the business, operational and other plans support the vision, mission and strategic priorities


  • decision-making at Board and management levels reinforce the vision, mission and strategic priorities


  • the SBA’s annual and longerterm objectives and targets support the achievement of the vision, mission and strategic priorities


  • Board policies support the vision, mission and strategic priorities


  • there are effective mechanisms​:


  • to review the external environment for changes that might affect the SBA

  • to reassess the need for the SBA and for the services it provides, or could provide

  • to review regularly its strategic plans and priorities.

  • to listen to the view of all of those the SBA serves



Being responsible, with the other Trustees, for the performance of the SBA and for its culture:


  • to agree the method for measuring objectively the progress of the SBA in relation to its vision, mission, strategic objectives/priorities, business plans and annual targets, and to receive regular reports on the performance of the SBA


  • to ensure that the fundamental values and guiding principles of the SBA are articulated and reflected throughout the SBA


  • to ensure that views of beneficiaries on the performance of the SBA are regularly gathered and considered by the Board


  • to appoint the CEO, to set his/her terms and conditions and to ensure that the CEO and the SBA invest in the SBA’s on-going professional development 


  • to receive regular reports from the CE on progress towards agreed strategic priorities


  • to hold the CEO to account for the management and administration of the SBA


  • to ensure that the CEO receives regular, constructive feedback on his/her performance in managing the SBA and in meeting his/her annual and longer-term targets and objectives


  • to ensure that the CEO develops a learning organisation and that all staff, both paid and unpaid review their own performance and regularly receive feedback


  • to articulate the values of the SBA


  • to agree and review Board policies


  • to ensure that there are mechanisms for beneficiaries, employees, volunteers, other individuals, groups or organisations to bring to the attention of the Trustees any activity that threatens the probity of the SBA.


Ensuring that the SBA complies with all legal and regulatory requirements:


  • to be aware of, and to ensure that the SBA complies with, all legal, regulatory and statutory requirements


  • to maintain familiarity with the rules and constitution that govern the SBA, to ensure that the SBA complies with its governing instruments and to review the governing instruments regularly


  • if the SBA has powers to delegate, to agree the levels of delegated authority, to ensure that these are descriptions for honorary officers, Trustees and key staff, etc., and to ensure that there are clear reporting procedures which are also recorded in writing and complied with


  • to ensure that the responsibilities delegated to the CEO are clearly expressed and understood, and that directions given to him/her come from the Board as a whole.



Being guardians of all the SBA’ assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application:


  • to ensure that the SBA has satisfactory control systems and procedures for holding in trust for the beneficiaries all monies, properties and other assets and to ensure that monies are invested to the maximum benefit of the SBA, within the constraints of the law and ethical and other policies laid down by the Board


  • to ensure that the major risks to which the SBA is exposed are reviewed annually and that systems have been established to mitigate or minimise these risks


  • to ensure that the income and property of the SBA is applied for the purposes set out in the governing document and for no other purpose, and with complete fairness between persons who are properly qualified to benefit


  • to act reasonably, prudently and collectively in all matters relating to the SBA and always to act in the interests of the SBA


  • to be accountable for the solvency and continuing effectiveness of the SBA and the preservation of its endowments


  • to exercise effective overall control of the SBA’s financial affairs and to ensure that the way in which the SBA is administered is not open to abuse by unscrupulous associates, employees or volunteers; and that the systems of control are rigorous and constantly maintained through regular evaluation and improvement in the light of experience


  • to ensure that intangible assets such as organisational knowledge and expertise, intellectual property, the SBA’s good name and reputation, etc., are properly valued, utilised and safeguarded


  • if the SBA owns land, understand its overall condition and usage and ensure that it remains fully insured


  • to ensure that any property which is permanent endowment is preserved and invested in such a way as to produce an appropriate income whilst at the same time safeguarding the real value of the capital


  • to ensure that all income due to the SBA is received and that all tax benefits are obtained and all rating relief due is claimed.



Ensuring that the SBA’s governance is of a high standard:


  • to ensure that the SBA has a governance structure that is appropriate to a charity of its size/complexity, stage of development and its charitable objects, and that enables the Trustees to fulfil their responsibilities


  • to reflect annually on the Board’s performance and your own performance as a Trustee


  • to ensure that the Trustee Board has the skills required to govern the SBA well and has access to relevant external professional advice and expertise


  • to ensure that there is a systematic, open and fair procedure for the recruitment or co-option of Trustees


  • to ensure that there are succession plans for the Chair, Treasurer and the CEO


  • to participate in individual and collective development and training of Trustees


  • to abide by the code of conduct for Trustees


  • to ensure that major decisions and Board policies are made by the Trustees acting collectively.



Trustees may also be able to offer the following:


  • an informative / educational / ambassadorial role at a local and regional level


  • availability to serve on committees of the Board or working groups where relevant


  • willingness to take part in induction and training events as appropriate


  • specific skills and contacts


  • willingness to offer advice to other Trustees and staff drawn from personal experience



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