Good morning and welcome to Arun Finance Department. It's difficult to know where to start on providing an introduction to why Arun is such a fantastic place to work, and it simply just is. With a head office in Littlehampton on the South coast our District is along the coast bordering with Worthing & Adur to Bognor Regis and inland to the South downs.

I was brought in over year ago under the astute leadership of Antony Baden to lead and manage the Finance department to ensure we deliver our finance staples and also to review and deliver a Finance transformation of which a significant element is ensuring finance is resourced and positioned to serve Aruns residents, businesses, Councillors and Arun Council employees with Government reporting.
We have partnered with Allen Lane where with their exemplary track record we are delighted to launch a campaign to recruit 13 new employees to join our Finance department where we will launch in two phases, first is going live 12th Dec and second commences a week later.
To provide further context myself and my immediate interim team will be leaving by the end of March ‘25, we have been holding some vacancies while we have conducted extensive internal reviews and we are introducing four Apprenticeship roles to formally undertake day release with local education providers while actively contributing within a busy finance department.
We are establishing four robust finance pillars from which within the finance department will operate.

​All applications are to be submitted to Allen Lane and I am open to a discussion if further clarity is required for any of these roles.
Many thanks, we look forwards to your applications in due course.
Jason Stott ACMA, CGMA
Financial Services Manager, Deputy S151 Officer